mardi 12 mai 2015

Billy Bookcase IKEA

[3DMax] Billy Bookcase IKEA

Billy Bookcase IKEA
max | 3D models | 53 MB

shelving, ikea, magazine, book.

2 shelf BILLY BOOKCASE (wenge) of 2 sections with content. Size 1 section: height 202 cm, width 40 cm, depth 28 cm. Size 2 sections: height 202 cm, width 80 cm, depth 28 cm. Size 3 sections: height 106 cm, width 80 cm, depth 28 cm. Size 4 section: height 106 cm, width 40 cm, depth 28 cm. Filling: -5 -40 texture textures books magazines IKEA: -BLADIS -TJENA -KVARNVIK -GRUNDTAL (lighting rack) Lamp Aveiro number of polygons 55000. All textures and sweep


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